The Shawl Project
The Shawl Project shares God’s love with those who are going through difficult times and helps them understand that they are not forgotten by giving gifts of physical comfort, including handmade afghans, shawls, hats scarves, and gloves.
Responding to COVID-19, our makers pivoted to making masks for community distribution, and produced more than 4,000 masks to date!

Members of The Shawl Project are passionate about intergenerational transfers of knowledge and hope through art.
With an emphasis on engaging young people, TSP participants transfer their knowledge of crochet, knitting, and other fiber arts to those who want to learn. Sometimes partnering with other organizations, The Shawl Project has donated many hand-crafted blankets and shawls to the homeless, veterans, and otherwise marginalized people in our local community and across the city.
Want to join us? Email Myrna at: [email protected]
Current Projects
Sandra Angell Summer Chemo Caps
This year, the Shawl Project is focusing on crafting cancer caps in memory of our beloved friend, Sandra Angell. Sandy was a breast cancer survivor, and was a prolific maker.
The chemo caps will be made out of soft, lightweight cotton and bamboo yarn. They will be shared with Cancer Bridges this summer to distribute to people in need.
Fiber Arts with the DiSYPles
The DiSYPles Summer Youth Program at Bethany Community Ministries provides enrichment activities, mentorship and character building, and academic support for children ages 5-12 years old.
Volunteers from the Shawl Project will work with campers again this year, teaching crafting techniques to make fun projects like tassels and bookmarks.
Other Projects
Afghans for Veterans
Every other year, makers from the Shawl Project craft homemade afghans to show care and consideration for veterans in our region. In 2023, we were able to donate 53 afghans to Veterans' Place, and an additional 20 to other community members in need of love.
This initiative will take place again in 2025, so be sure to get in touch with us if you would like to get involved!
Winter Hats and Scarves
Every winter, our group handcrafts hats and scarves for unhoused people in Pittsburgh. We believe that these gifts serve both a practical and spiritual purpose, spreading warmth and love to those that need it most.
We've also distributed these items during our Master's Kitchen and Storehouse programs at the Bethany Center.

The Shawl Project is rooted in skill based service and tangible care through fiber arts.
Discovering that several women in the community had the ability to knit, crochet and quilt with amazing skill, The Shawl Project (TSP) began meeting in 2013 to make shawls, blankets, and afghans for sick and shut-in residents. Though our making is taking place remotely due to COVID-19, our members continue to produce thoughtful pieces as a way to reach out to those in need.
Handmade masks have been made available on site at the Bethany Center, and have also been delivered to individuals, families, and partner organizations in Pittsburgh.